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We ship our products to virtually any address in the United States. Most orders ship via FedEx Ground, but some may (depending on the address) ship via the US Postal Service.

If you want expedited shipping (FedEx 2 Day Air or Next Day), additional charges will apply.


Return Policy


Our goal is 100% customer satisfaction. If the product you receive is lost, damaged, or otherwise defective, we will replace your order at no cost to you.

If we can't rectify the situation to your satisfaction, we will offer a full refund.

If there was a customer error, we will work with you to resolve the situation and ensure you have a product you're happy with.


In either case, contact our customer service department at (800) 836-4206.

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© 2022 by Enfield Stationers
A division of Shade Tree Greetings, Inc.

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